Python does have operators which don’t exist in C# or operators I haven’t seen regularly while working with C#. So I did a quick search to make sure I can remember them.

Operator Example Memo
// x // y 3 // 2 will be 1 instead of 1.5 which is equal to math.floor()
** x ** y 3 ** 2 will be 9
//= x //= 3 x = x // 3
**= x **= 3 x = x ** 3

// operator return math.floor(). However, it’s possible to use as math.ceil() by using as below.

math.floor(1.5) is 3 // 2
math.ceil(1.5) is -(-3 // 2)

And recalling bitwise operators for both of C# and Python.

Operator Memo
~ Bitwise NOT; ~0 is -1
& Bitwise AND; 1 & 2 is 0
| Bitwise OR; 1 & 2 is 3
^ Bitwise XOR; 5 ^ 3 is 6
« Bitwise Left Shift; 1 « 1 is 2
» Bitwise Right Shift; 1 » 1 is 0