I was released from the quarantine in the morning. Local governments provided buses for different destinations. I took the bus which was heading to the airport. One of the guys who wear a chem suit told me the driver will drop me off at the train station.

I picked up the ticket and passed the security check. The place I got the ticket and the actual entrance of the station were in the same building but they were separated. So you can buy tickets without passing the security. I put my two pieces of luggage and one backpack through the x-ray machine. They grab my back and want me to throw my sanitizer. I asked why the answer was because of the fire. It seems like passing security to take a subway or train is quite normal in China. I haven’t done that until I visit China.

The inside of the station was quite empty. Maybe I felt like that because the building was designed to have more people than I was seeing. Since I had some time, I took a quick tour of the station. There were supermarkets and stores selling jewelry and beers. But I couldn’t find a place to buy some books. I forgot to bring some books from home because I rushed when I pack my stuff and I thought I was taking an airplane to Beijing not a train. The trail that I’m gonna take is a high-speed train. I think that’s the direct translation. It was about five hours train ride.

The inside of the train was quite ok. But the seat was a bit narrow. I don’t have a wide shoulder but it wasn’t comfortable. I need to slightly pack my shoulders. So that I don’t bump a person next to me. After I took some nap and web browsing, the train arrived at South Beijing Station.

The second phase of travel or maybe third. I grabbed my two pieces of luggage and moved my exhausted body to the subway station. I definitely picked the wrong time. When I took the subway, it was around 6 PM on Thursday. There were a lot of people on the subway. And holding two luggage in a crowded subway is not a fun experience. So, after an hour of the subway, I could see the apartment complex that I used to stay and going to stay.

And that was not the end of the night… I had to spend one or two more hours to get the key to the new apartment. There were some issues which I don’t understand, I had to move all my stuff to a different unit. That’s why I needed a new key to the new apartment.

What a long day.