Second Friday Night.

Nothing much to do as usual. I kept counting how many days I have to stay here. I will travel from here to Beijing on Nov 5th by train. I haven’t bought the ticket yet cause I’m not sure when can I arrive at the train station here. I’m a little worried about my apartment. I haven’t cleaned up the room for a while and I had to move my stuff to a different unit but I was not physically able to do so. So, the leasing office said they moved all of my stuff to a different apartment. Which means I need to set up and rearrange all of my stuff again. So, next weekend would be a cleaning weekend.

I think the portion of my meals is getting bigger or my stomach is getting smaller. Because I couldn’t finish them all. Not just some of the foods were a bit spicier than I can tolerate, I’m losing appetite after having like 6-70% of the meal.

Breakfast in quarantine facility

Lunch in quarantine facility

Dinner in quarantine facility