My lunch was late.

Today’s lunch came to the door about an hour later than usual. Usually, the quarantine facility provides lunch around 11:30 to 11:45. I was working on my code, and suddenly I wasn’t sure I had my lunch or not. It happens from time to time. So, I checked out the other side of the door to grab my lunch if there is. But there was nothing. Not just mine, others too. Then it made me confused. Did I eat something for lunch already? Or did they throw my lunch away cause it was still there? Anyway, I got back to work.

Around 12:30, someone knocked on my door. Then I heard some usual cart noise. Wheels were rolling on the floor, and rattle sounds from losen parts of the cart. That was the moment I was sure that I didn’t have my lunch :)

Breakfast in quarantine facility

Lunch in quarantine facility

Dinner in quarantine facility