First Saturday of my quarantine.

The translator informed on the group chat that we (I and all the others who entered China on the same date) will take another PCR test tomorrow before lunch. What a horror :( I don’t want to go through the nosehole drilling experience anymore. However, these days, I think this is a new normal when you travel to a different country.

The weather was great today to take a walk on the beach. There was no scary wave to worry about the sea stealing your flipflops. Maybe surfers might not like this weather. Even so, they will also say today was a good day to take a walk.

I found a pattern of my meals. Each meal includes the below items.

  • Breakfast
    • Rice soup
    • Hard-boiled egg
    • Bread
  • Lunch
    • Kimchi
    • Fruit
    • Rice
  • Dinner
    • Fruit

View from my room

Breakfast in quarantine facility

Lunch in quarantine facility

Dinner in quarantine facility